My Philosophy on Religion

My Philosophy on Religion

A Little History

So here it goes…

I find myself pondering about life a lot. About religion. The reason for it all. The purpose. What will matter in several hundred years? What matters right this second? Why I am here? What is our destination? The journey? What I can do to improve? Things I don’t necessarily feel are priority to improve at the moment.

I was raised around a lot of religion. Don’t jump to conclusions, that one sentence could have a dozen meanings.

To be honest I am afraid of church. I am a bit disillusioned, if you will. I want to go. I want to grow spiritually. I want to improve as a person. Really, who doesn’t? I am not perfect and realize that won’t be an accomplishment that I will ever boast of in my lifetime. I don’t want to get stuck there either.

So Churches might scare me. They do. I don’t hate the people or anything. I think there are beautiful people everywhere. I think that it is hard to measure the intentions of the heart. I think there are all different types of people, with the absolute best intentions. The best that they know how to have at their part of the journey.

I could be wrong, but I don’t think God wanted his family to be frightening.

Um, back to churches…

Frightening, At least from my experience. They are diverse, just like people, and that is no mystery. How would it be possible for any two sets to see things the same way? The thing is, a lot of times, I think churches pick the wrong battles. I cannot say that about everyone. It isn’t a fair statement. I just think sometimes people get stuck on things that shouldn’t be priority. I know I do sometimes. I just figure if it weighs me down more than it builds me up, why bother going? I do a good enough job of that on my own. So does life. On my own personal journey, let’s just say I have had a hard time finding a place that I felt I fit in. Most of the times I feel like the people try to change me to their liking more than God does.

My Philosophy on Religion

I guess you could say I am firm in my convictions or beliefs. How I perceive the world here and now. I am open to learn, because I am not the expert on everything. I learn new things from people I don’t even want to sometimes.

I believe in a thing called Love

So on Religion: Matthew 22:36-40 I won’t list a bunch of scriptures in this post, they are peppered throughout this blog.

I truly believe that is the meat and potatoes of Jesus.  I believe that is his teaching. I don’t think that is the small stuff. I think it profoundly affects everything. It covers people. It meets them exactly where they are in their life’s journey. I believe it welcomes people. It doesn’t push people away.

I am not the Holy Spirit

I sometimes think people get carried away on judging and trying to change others.  Quite frankly, I am tired of people telling me why I don’t add up. I am tired of people telling “sinners” why they don’t add up for that matter, but forget the whole good news part. I am tired of seeing the bashing and pushing a “lost” world away from God in the name of honesty and love. I am over omitting the part that truly shows them that God loves them. The good news part. That God did the same for them, that He did for any religious person.

There is not a Christian in the world that has either feared me, or performed a moral beat down that had ultimately provoked me to call out to Jesus in my time of need. I love Him because He first loved me. In fact He revealed His love when most of the Christians in my life wouldn’t touch me with a ten foot pole. It was His grace. The grace that was good enough for me and is good enough for everyone.

A Gift with Every Name on it

Others are not exempt from God’s love because they: battle addictions like most people (in some form), have a sex life that people turn up their nose to (why do others worry about such things?), they are a registered democrat, or God forbid they aren’t American, or any other STUPID reason. If the judge gives something to the world, I am sorry, we cannot take it away from them. Even if we dare to deem them unworthy, after Jesus felt they were worth the effort. Even if they don’t want anything to do with our Jesus. Now-a-days who would? Look at the brush we have used to paint Him. Most people already know they aren’t good enough for our crap expectations on their life. Can’t please everyone dontchaknow?!  Want to know what still rings true to us believers? Matthew 22:36-40, 1 Corinthians 13… We gotta love them.

Who needs that kind of help? The kind that points out faults in the name of accountability and love. The kind that is always negative. Why don’t the people that accost others with their shortcomings and sins, also feel accountable to be a positive force in their life also? I don’t mean fleeting. Like a family? More than just two cents with a smile? I am inundated with the expectations on my race, gender, age, beliefs and more daily, Thank you. Who isn’t?  I do not take it upon myself to tell others what parts of their yard they need to clean up, even when they might seem obvious in my mind. I don’t think having eyes is “discernment”. I think that is God’s job. He knows more than we do, and he can judge fairly. Not just based on outward appearance or human expectations.  Sometimes I think people try to play the part of God. We aren’t called to judge. We aren’t called to condemn. We aren’t even called to convict. Can someone can explain to me, how to spiritually convict another person’s heart of “sin” and how they drew that conclusion from an all knowing priority, along with the scriptures please?


Too much sin. OMG!  Yep, he is my God. Now what? I think a lot of groups are focused WAY too much on sin. We are all sinners. We are unworthy. We are terrible.

BIG FAT DUH.  I think that is just a nasty paraphrase for the human condition. Well the negative side anyway.

Now what?

It calls God father and refers to His desire for “relationship” and “family” I thought? Is that the kind of love we show our mother, sister, brother? Always the shortcomings, then move along with a smile because we are right. Now if that is the case, and He is the best father, why do we get stuck here? Does anyone understand the effects of a father constantly putting down and degrading a child? They never add up? They are never good enough? So am I, or am I not a child of God? Did he really do the heavy lifting for me or what? Did he make me unique, and I have gifts and talents that are my own? If he made me righteous and part of His family, am I still just a lowly sinner? Should I always beat myself up? Would that please Him more? Am I just unworthy and pathetic and on and on…

If it is the good news, then how come people feel witnessing is synonymous with a beat down? Wonder if the people being “witnessed” to realize how precious they are to their maker (John 15:13)?

Judgement day

If I had to please every person, even in the same church, I would go crazy. Each “holy spirit Christian” would have different Ideas of how I could be more holy in their book. Guess what? That’s not their say.

Ultimately on Judgement day, I will be accountable for no one but myself. Amiright?

This is a recap of my beliefs. This is the forerunner to my next post, one about how I found myself in a church service, without notice this Father’s day.

If you feel that I am in error, then by all means pray for me. Or if you chose, send forth a conviction to my heart.

Christianity: Is Homosexuality a Sin?

The Scriptures

My goal is not to say that the bible is wrong. I am not trying to be the new heretic on the block. What I do want people to consider when they read the bible is its context.

Here are some scriptures that have caused MANY a heated debate. Not only about homosexuality, but also about whether or not the translations are even accurate:

Leviticus 18:22, Leviticus 20:13, Romans 1:26-27, 1 Corinthians 6:9-10


I have heard points on both sides of the fence. Where I do want to tread, is what our priorities should be.

As far as ancient culture goes; I do know that I am not about to be wife number 5 to some bloke…

Why do we harp on one topic more than another and hurt so many people? I think the answer to all of this is LOVE. Everyone is going to have to follow their own heart. At the end of the day, we are still only responsible for ourselves.


I read a really interesting article about the story of the Centurion with great faith:

In the article, the Centurion used a term for his servant, which sparked questions about their relationship. If there was indeed a relationship, Jesus didn’t squirm. Jesus didn’t stop everything that he was doing to point his finger and threaten hellfire. He complimented the man for his faith in God. I find this intriguing.

Jesus befriended people that were otherwise taboo to the religious circles of the time. Jesus accepted people that faced rejection and harsh judgment. I think if Jesus were to walk on the earth today, His heart would be moved deeply because of the discrimination, rejection, and hatred faced by the LGBT community. I know my heart is.

They are mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, friends… get my point? They are one of a kind. They are individuals with gifts and beauty unique to them. Why is all of that cancelled out because of something that is none of our business? We are not the judge. The bible clearly states the weight of loving others. That IS our responsibility, and it includes the LGBT community.

I have heard all too often, stories about gays that commit suicide because of this treatment. The treatment they face in school, at church and in the community. I have heard too many stories of hate crimes against them, and it sickens me. I don’t think Jesus would treat them like this, so why do we?

Just a Thought

So is homosexuality a sin? As far as our personal walk with God is concerned, does it matter? Is sin something that we are supposed to use to hurt other people? I think in this case, we have tagged a whole group of folks with a scarlet letter. I think that if Jesus walked the earth today, he would see people that he adores that have been beat down for long enough.

I am okay with not having the answers to everything at once. Who on earth does? Life is a journey. We live and we learn. I think what IS important, is what battles we DO chose to fight along the way.

My Opinion

I am not 100% sure on the context and meaning of these scriptures. I will just consider it something on the shelf for now and I have peace with that.

I AM 100% sure that REGARDLESS, I need to love these people. I am positive, that I am NOT anybody’s judge. I am certain that my life isn’t any more valuable than theirs. I am positive that they deserve just as much love and respect that I do. I believe that their life has a purpose. I believe that their life has value. I believe that it is our job to love them. I believe that every human being deserves equal treatment. We only have one life; so what is it exactly that makes one group of people more deserving than another? Why do they get the short end of the stick?

We are all in this together folks. IMO let’s love each other harder.

Suicide: Don’t Do It!

Don’t Give Up!

If all you needed was one person in the world to tell you not to, then I will. Please don’t do it. You do have value. You are priceless in fact. I don’t care about your sex, your race, your nationality, your religion, or your sexual orientation. Nothing in your life or lack thereof is worth this ultimate decision. Fight it! If you have failed at something: Suicide is not the answer. If you have lost all of your material possessions: Suicide is not the answer. If everyone you know has turned their backs on you: Suicide is still not the answer. If you are full of self-hatred, and all of those that you encounter only confirm your thoughts: Don’t give up. I haven’t. If I can keep on living, anyone can.

Face My Giant

I have battled with thoughts of suicide for years. Heck, not even just thoughts, an actual attempt when I was younger. I am going to share one of the many reasons that suicide has plagued my mind.  If you have ever felt this way, I hear you.

Not Good Enough – Not Normal

I was born with a birth defect. When I was growing up, I was told about it by cruel observers. Like I never owned a mirror, or saw one in passing. It made me feel small. When I looked people in the face and spilled my heart, I felt like everything I said was cancelled out by IT. As loud or as hard as I screamed, IT was brought to my attention. Everything was irrelevant because of IT. I knew that nothing I said was ever important. Everything that I was or that I said was reduced to nothing more than IT. That is all that I ever was. Period. It absolutely shattered my heart into a million pieces. Then I entertained fear.


I have told God that I was a mistake. I have asked him to make it so that I was never even born. I have asked him to delete me. He won’t. You know why?

Psalms 139:14 – You were wonderfully made

Isaiah 49 – God has engraved your name on the palm of his hands

Jeremiah 29 – God has plans to give you hope and a future


Religious Ponder.

I have heard people say that if you commit suicide, you go straight to hell. I have never found that scripture. I DO NOT IN ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM CONDONE SUICIDE. PLEASE IF YOU ARE FEELING LOST, REACH OUT FOR HELP.

I wonder if God kept silent on this issue for a reason. Maybe for the grieving family’s sake? Maybe so in moments of weakness people didn’t rely on God’s goodness to take their life? ( I DO NOT KNOW.

One pastor I heard said that IN HIS PERSONAL OPINION, he didn’t think God would send someone to hell that had a mental sickness anymore than he would send someone for having a broken leg. I WILL NOT PRETEND TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS. I DO NOT. Chose Life!

Suicide is NOT the Answer

As a child, one online stranger answered my desperate plea. I was in an online chat room. They simply said don’t give up. Find love, find peace, and find happiness. I have never forgotten that. It was like a challenge for a better life. Like an epic journey with purpose. It was confirmation that there was good out there.  Good in the world for me. Some people have it better than us. Some people have it worse than us. As long as you are still breathing, there is good for you too. There are people waiting to hear about all that you have overcome, so that they can beat their giant as well. They wait to see all that you have to offer. You have greatness in you that no one else has. Please Don’t Give Up!

If you are considering suicide right now:

  • There are several organizations you can call for help:      
  1.        Do an internet search. There are different hotlines available to different countries.
  2.       US-National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255
  3.       Reach out! Someone Cares! I do!