Your own Personal Jesus

Cue song

That I am not, and You aren’t either…

I ain’t your Holy Ghost. You aren’t mine. Now what?

This isn’t church. This is a blog. I share my perspective. My perspective on my life experiences. I am a PK. I grew up around church circles.  I think if people are religious or uphold a form of religion (James 1:27), then love is what is most important (Matthew 22:36-40). I mean how accurately can we judge based on face value? We aren’t omnipresent, omnipotent beings. That is just my opinion.

When I read about Jesus, that’s how I perceive it. I don’t think love and tolerance are the small potatoes. I think they are the actual foundation of His ministry. Call it cherry picking if you will. I think that striving to love others regardless of anything, is the high road.

You know: love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, kindness, gentleness, meekness and self control (against such there is no law) Galatians 5:22?

Judge not (Matthew 7:1-5) Condemn not (John 3:17) Love in restoration and meekness (Galatians 6:1 {relationship involved! WHOA}) Think on these things (Philippians 4:8) Bless others (Romans 12:14 {i.e. not thou vilest nastiesteth! Get thou out of my sight sinner!}



So that is just how I see it. In this blog, I am sharing my journey. My perception. My translation of the world around me. My growing process. I could see things completely different in a year. I don’t claim to always be right. I learn one step at a time.

You can come when you are perfect

I think one thing that is hysterical about religious perspective, is how varied it can be to each observer. It is just a matter of perspective. Sheesh. That’s scientific folks, religious or not. Our cognition is unique. It’s cool stuff. Everyone brings something different to the table.

I believe in God. I am quite fond of Him. I think the cool thing about Him is He meets people where they are, and can help them there. Not pointing at a specific church or anything, but sometimes I think manmade religion says you have to: change, be perfect, clean up and then you can fellowship. Ouch. The God that I know, that I perceive, He helps me right here and right now. I am not ostracized until I have some form of “human holiness” or have reached human perfection. He did all the hard work for me. Now I strive to learn and grow, right smack dab in the middle of my reality. Cool beans.

Good Church

I moved semi-recently. I am searching for a church home. I know it is unfair to look for the perfect church. No organization with humans yield perfect everything. I am picky though. I am not going to lie, some churches scare me. I refuse to go to one where people think they have to be like the greatest Servant Jesus, but want to focus on the mastering part. No one will convince me that my place is to make sandwiches, or to be seen and not heard… Yeah, that ain’t for me. So sue me. So if you are a fellow believer, maybe that is a prayer request? That I can find a good place to GROW as a person. Moving on…

God ain’t Scurred

I don’t think God is this silly trembler.


Like, I don’t see Him trembling every time someone drops the F-bomb. I don’t see Him as someone that ducks for cover if they see a “secular” billboard or hears someone dropping bass as they drive by. I don’t think that He is afraid of music demons. For instance, I don’t think He pegs a toothpaste commercial as satanic for singing about minty fresh, instead of Jesus. I don’t think He would scramble for the nearest rock to hide under, while plugging His ears to maintain holiness. There are so many accounts about this Eternal Being and how His ways are higher than ours. Makes me wonder why people get stuck on shellfish for an hour. I don’t get it. Maybe for the same reason I get stuck on my own hang-ups? Why didn’t he smack people down in the old days for having multiple wives and whatnot? I don’t dig that personally, but wonder what His priorities are. I have to think He has seen and understands a lot more than I do. I can barely make an unblemished gif, and He designed star clusters.

Love le Love love

I think that is why I think about love a lot. I think love really does cover things, restores, helps… I wonder if I get stuck pondering about religion so much, if that makes it a passion of mine? I guess so… Just an area in my life I try to work on.

Good day.

Side note: If you want a good jam to do the robot, or love all things synthy like myself, check out Datsik Complete Control.  Cool stuff.  And there was contagious dancing in the land of Bots…

Christianity: Is Homosexuality a Sin?

The Scriptures

My goal is not to say that the bible is wrong. I am not trying to be the new heretic on the block. What I do want people to consider when they read the bible is its context.

Here are some scriptures that have caused MANY a heated debate. Not only about homosexuality, but also about whether or not the translations are even accurate:

Leviticus 18:22, Leviticus 20:13, Romans 1:26-27, 1 Corinthians 6:9-10


I have heard points on both sides of the fence. Where I do want to tread, is what our priorities should be.

As far as ancient culture goes; I do know that I am not about to be wife number 5 to some bloke…

Why do we harp on one topic more than another and hurt so many people? I think the answer to all of this is LOVE. Everyone is going to have to follow their own heart. At the end of the day, we are still only responsible for ourselves.


I read a really interesting article about the story of the Centurion with great faith:

In the article, the Centurion used a term for his servant, which sparked questions about their relationship. If there was indeed a relationship, Jesus didn’t squirm. Jesus didn’t stop everything that he was doing to point his finger and threaten hellfire. He complimented the man for his faith in God. I find this intriguing.

Jesus befriended people that were otherwise taboo to the religious circles of the time. Jesus accepted people that faced rejection and harsh judgment. I think if Jesus were to walk on the earth today, His heart would be moved deeply because of the discrimination, rejection, and hatred faced by the LGBT community. I know my heart is.

They are mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, friends… get my point? They are one of a kind. They are individuals with gifts and beauty unique to them. Why is all of that cancelled out because of something that is none of our business? We are not the judge. The bible clearly states the weight of loving others. That IS our responsibility, and it includes the LGBT community.

I have heard all too often, stories about gays that commit suicide because of this treatment. The treatment they face in school, at church and in the community. I have heard too many stories of hate crimes against them, and it sickens me. I don’t think Jesus would treat them like this, so why do we?

Just a Thought

So is homosexuality a sin? As far as our personal walk with God is concerned, does it matter? Is sin something that we are supposed to use to hurt other people? I think in this case, we have tagged a whole group of folks with a scarlet letter. I think that if Jesus walked the earth today, he would see people that he adores that have been beat down for long enough.

I am okay with not having the answers to everything at once. Who on earth does? Life is a journey. We live and we learn. I think what IS important, is what battles we DO chose to fight along the way.

My Opinion

I am not 100% sure on the context and meaning of these scriptures. I will just consider it something on the shelf for now and I have peace with that.

I AM 100% sure that REGARDLESS, I need to love these people. I am positive, that I am NOT anybody’s judge. I am certain that my life isn’t any more valuable than theirs. I am positive that they deserve just as much love and respect that I do. I believe that their life has a purpose. I believe that their life has value. I believe that it is our job to love them. I believe that every human being deserves equal treatment. We only have one life; so what is it exactly that makes one group of people more deserving than another? Why do they get the short end of the stick?

We are all in this together folks. IMO let’s love each other harder.